Nestled in the heart of Iceland, The Hill Hotel is your perfect adventure base. Just an hour from Reykjavík and in the midst of the Golden Circle, start your journey here. Enjoy comfort, convenience, and unforgettable experiences.

Luxury hot tubs at the Hill Hotel in Flúðir, Iceland
A Superior room at the Hill Hotel in Flúðir, Iceland

Rooms Available


Rooms Available


Rooms Available



Wonderful stay in Hotel Fludir. Exceptional staff. Great restaurant. Dinner was superb.
Wonderful hotel. We loved everything about it. The staff was so nice and friendly. We loved dinner and the restaurant was decorated beautifully. Breakfast was also wonderful. We would return!! We even watched the Northern Lights walking through town! Liked all!
Great place, highly recommend!
The Fludir Hotel was very lovely. We had a twin bedroom with bathroom and off our bathroom was a little patio. The hotel had two thermal pots and were lovely in great surroundings. The hotel and especially the staff were very nice. The food at the restaurant was top notch and we could not have asked for anything more. Thank you for our lovely stay.
Great stop and restaurant on the golden circle
The rooms were comfortable and a good size, the location is great and the restaurant was very good. The hot pools outside in the courtyard were nice.
The Hill Hotel in Flúðir key resting on a wooden stool at the hotel in Iceland

Direct Booking Offers

Discover exclusive discounts and offers for your stay at Hill Hotel in Flúðir, Iceland. Enjoy luxurious accommodations, breathtaking views, and unique experiences at unbeatable prices. Explore our range of deals to make your Icelandic getaway unforgettable.


Herbergin okkar eru nýlega uppgerð, hægt er að velja á milli Standard og Superior. Bókaðu þína dvöl í dag!

A Standard Room at The Hill Hotel in Iceland

Standard Herbergi

Nútímaþægindi mætast íslenskum töfrum í standard herbergjunum okkar. Bókaðu núna.

Superior Herbergi

Upplifðu meiri lúxus í Superior herbergjunum okkar. Nútíma þægindi og aðgangur úr herberginu í garðinn okkar þar sem þú finnur heita potta. Bókaðu núna!

The Hill Happy Hour advert

Komdu í drykk

Við bjóðum upp á gleðistund á barnum okkar alla daga milli kl. 16-18.


Staðsett í hjarta Suður-Íslands nálægt mörgum af þjóðundrum Íslands, býður Hill upp á kjörinn grundvöll fyrir ný ævintýri.

Borða og drekka

Njóttu íslenskra matargersema á Hill Hótelinu okkar. Láttu þér líða vel á veitingastaðnum okkar – bókaðu borðið þitt núna!


Það getur reynst mjög árangursríkt og skapandi fyrir vinnustaði að komast frá hversdagsleikanum til að halda vinnufundi eða ráðstefnur. Á hótelinu eru bæði fundarsalir og önnur rými til funda- og ráðstefnuhalds. Fjölbreytt afþreying er á svæðinu í kring og getum við aðstoðað við að skipuleggja hvataferðir í nágrenninu.

Væntanlegir viðburðir

Happy Hour

Join us at Hill Hotel’s bar for Happy Hour every day, 4-6 PM. Enjoy special prices and a great atmosphere!

June 17th – Icelandic National Day

Join us at the Hill Hotel on June 17th to celebrate Icelandic National Day – a family-friendly event with plenty of activities and treats for the kids.

June 21st – Summer Solstice

Bask in the late hours of the Midnight Sun at the Hill Hotel. Toast a glass to the turn of seasons with a special event on-site.

June Getaway Deal

Don’t miss out on our latest June getaway deals to save on your 2 or 3 night stay. For full details check out our offers page.
